Babel Publishers Backlist

Soazig Aaron Le non de clara
Edward Abbey
    The Monkey Wrench Gang
    Edwin A Abbott
        To My Sister: Mizrahi Feminist Politics
        Guy Ad
          A Lego Ego
          Shaul Adar
            Hapoel Be'er Sheva: Biography
            Or Alexandrowicz From Within the Box: the architecture of Bar Oryan
            Taner Akcam Towards a Turkish-Armenian Dialogue
            Pedro Almodovar Patty Diphusa
            Michal Almog Leap Year
            Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar  Annihilation of Caste: The Annotated Critical Edition (featurning Arundhati Roy's essay "The Doctore and the Saint")
            Suad Amiri Cappuchino in Ramaala
            Guillaume Apollinaire Les Onze Mille Verges
            Yann Apperry Farrago
            Hannah Arendt Eichman In Jerusalem
            Hannah Arendt, Gershom Scholem Hannah Arendt Gershom Scholem Der: Briefwechsel
            Antonin Artaud Héliogabale ou l'anarchiste couronné
            Le Théâtre et son double
            David Avidan Lipless Faucets
            My Electronic Psychiatrist
            Zvi Aviner Vapni All Other Demands Are Excessive
            Dorit Avramovitch The Naked King
            Ariella Azoulay How Does It Look To You?
            Gaston Bachelard
            La poétique de l'espace
            La flamme d’une chandelle
            James Graham Ballard
            High Rise
            Reiner Banham The Architecture of the Well-tempered Environment
            Eran Bar-Gil Many Waters
            Amnon Bar-Or A Time for Conservation
            Benjamin R. Barber Jihad vs. McWorld
            Lukas Bärfuss Hundert Tage
            Roland Barthes Mythologies
            George Battaille Histoire de L' oeil
            Jean Baudrillard Amerique
            Richard Beard Damascus
            Simone De Beauvoir Le Deuxième Sexe - Tome I: Les Faits et les Mythes
            Le Deuxième Sexe - Tome II: L’expérience vécue
            Almog Behar أنا من اليهود (Anna min Al Yahud)
            David Bellos Georges Perec, Life in Words
            Marit Ben Israel The Word's Voice
            Tahar Ben Jelloun Le Racisme Expliqué A Ma Fille
            ido Ben-Cnaan There is No Man in the Actions
            Amir Ben-Porat Biladi Biladi
            Walter Benjamin kleine geschichte der photographie
            Micha Yosef Berdichevsky Klonimus and Naomi
            Sami Berdugo Black Girl
            Thomas Bernhard DER UNTERGEHER
            Holzfällen; Eine Erregung
            Alte Meister
            Emmanuelle Bernheim Sa Femme
            Ilana Bernstein Early Days
            Love Colony
            Now it's in Writing
            Peter Bichsel Zur Stadt Paris
            Azmi Bishara وجد في بلاد الحواجز (The Checkpoint)
            Nicholas Blincoe The Dope Priest
            Amy Bloom Come To Me
            Love Invents Us
            Jorge Luis Borges The Craft of Verse
            Pierre Bourdieu Sur La Television
            Michael Braungart, William McDonough Cradle to Cradle
            Yosef Haim Brenner The Solution; Wrong
            Enrico Brizzi Jack Frusciante E' Uscito Dal Gruppo
            Harold Brodkey This Wild Darkness
            Mikhail Bulgakov Записки юного врача
            Dror Burstein Avner Brener
            Man in Space
            With No Case of Death
            The Murderers
            Twin Cities
            Small World
            Joseph Campbell ‏The Hero With A Thousand Faces
            Karel Čapek Kniha Apokryfů
            Zahradníkův rok
            Edward Carey Observatory Mansions
            Daniela Carmi Jerusalem on the Sea
            Allan Carr Allen Carr's Easy Way To Stop Smoking
            Allen Carr's EasyWeigh to Lose Weight
            Allen Carr's EasyWay To Control Alcohol
            Stop Smoking Now without Gaining Weight
            Emmanuel Carrère Limonov
            Le royaume
            Miguel De Cervantes El casamiento engañoso
            Michael Chabon Wonder Boys
            Yosef Eliyahu Chelouche Reminiscences of my Life (1870 - 1930)
            Dov Chenin, Arie Arnon A Different Perspective
            Dov Chenin, Michael Sfard, Sharon Rotbard
            The Refuseniks' Trials
            Gilbert Keith Chesterton The Man Who Was Thursday, A Nightmare
            Chimo Lila Dit Ca
            Michael Chyutin The Jerusalem Scroll from Qumran
            Yoel Cohen The Whistleblower of Dimona: Israel, Vanunu and the Bomb
            Ronaldo Correia de Brito Galileia
            Julio Cortazar Octaedro
            Douglas Coupland Generation X - Tales For An Accelerated Culture
            Orna Coussin Within a Walking Distance
            On Comfort
            Doreen Cronin Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type
            Mahmoud Darwish Bed Of A Stranger
            Avner De-Shalit Red and Green: Democracy, Justice and Environmentalism
            Guy Debord La Société du Spectacle
            Michèle Desbordes
            La Demande
            Demi The Empty Pot
            Liang and the Magic Paintbrush
            The Firebird
            Virginie Despentes Baise-Moi
            J.P. Donleavy The Lady Who Liked Clean Rest Room
            Daniel Dor Behind "Defensive Shield"
            Newspapers Under the Influence
            Glen Duncan Love Remains
            Daniel Drey
            Aimer au 21ème siècle: Le guide d'une vie de couple heureuse
            Jean Dutourd Une tête de chien
            Andrea Dworkin Intercourse
            Joël Egloff L'étourdissement
            Barbara Ehrenreich Nickel and Dimed
            Barbara Ehrenreich, Arlie Russell Hochschild
            Global Woman: Nannies, Maids and Sex Workers in the New Economy
            Ari Eitan In The Name of Reason
            Yedid Nefesh
            Gilad Elbom Scream Queens of the Dead Sea
            Bret Easton Ellis Lunar Park
            Alex Epstein Dream Recepies
            Eli Eshed From Tarzan to Zbeng
            Frantz Fanon Les damnés de la terre
            Nicolas Fargues J'étais derrière toi
            Tu Verras
            Dror Feuer Zadok in the twists of desire
            Adrian Forty
            Concrete and Culture: A Material History
            Michel Foucault L'ordre du Discours
            Ron Frumkin, Dov Chenin, Amir Eidelman State of the World 2004: the consumer society
            Stephen Fry The Hippopotamus
            Making History
            Graham Fuller Loach On Loach
            Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi Satyagraha in South Africa
            Romain Gary L'orage
            Roxane Gay Hunger
            Difficult Women
            Lote Geffenblad Astons Stenar
            Wilhelm Genazino Eine Frau, eine Wohnung, ein Roman
            Dafna Golan-Agnon Inequality in Education
            Hagit Gor The Militarization of Education
            Nadine Gordimer The Pickup
            Arnon Grunberg Blue Mondays
            Sunetra Gupta Moonlight Into Marzipan
            Zali Gurevitch Kohelet's Account
            The Sound of Love: On Erotic Language in the Song of Songs
            David Gurevitz, Dan Arav Encyclopedia of Ideas
            Nachum Gutman A Tale about a Policeman, a Salad and a Cow's Tail
            Yaniv Hagbi The Yemenite Guide For Writing Legends
            Anat Harari A Grandmother is Born
            A Good Enough Child
            One Hundred Mothers, One Hundred Memories
            Shulamit Hareven Many Days: An Autobiography
            James Hawes Speak for England
            A White Merc With Fins
            Peter Hedges An Ocean In Iowa
            Itamar Hendelman Ben Canaan Open
            Avri Herling Winning Meal: Adventure in Cooking
            Theodor Herzl Altneuland
            Werner Herzog
            Das Dämmern der Welt
            James Hillman
            The Thought of the Heart and the Soul of the World
            Life Lived Backward
            Yoel Hoffmann Radical Zen
            Friedrich Holderlin Hyperion oder Der ermit in Griechenland
            Michel Houellebecq La Possibilité d’une île
            Les Particules Elementaires
            La carte et le territoire
            Extension du Domaine de la Lutte
            Le sens du combat
            Rester vivant et autres textes
            Lanzarote et autre textes
              Ofri Ilani
              We Are New people
              Richard Ingersol Munio Gitai Weinraub: Bauhaus Architect in Eretz-Israel
              Vicki Iovine The Girlfriends' Guide To Pregnancy
              Jane Jacobs The Death and Life of Great American Cities
              Henri James The Turn of the Screw
              Elfriede Jelinek Die Liebhaberinnen
              Die Klavielerin
              Paul Joannides The Guide To Getting It On
              Alejandro Jodorowsky
              La Danza de la Realidad
              Denis Johnson Jesus' Son
              The Name of the World
              Nobody Move
              Tree of Smoke
              Train Dreams
              Mor Kadishzon
              A wild Treasure: collected essays on wilderness
              Oren Kakun The Negation Artist
              Nitsa Kann Sexsophone
              Ada Karmi-Melamed My Father, Dov Karmi
              Robin Wall Kimerer
              Naomi Klein no logo
              Fences and Windows
              Heinrich von Kleist Michael Kolhaas
              Kolker, Kolker, Epstein MInistry of Foreign Affairs, Jerusalem
              Rem Koolhaas DELIRIOUS NEW YORK: A retroactive Manifesto for Manhattan
              David C. Korten When Corporations Rule the World
              Dezso Kosztolanyi E'des Anna
              László Krasznahorkai HÁBORÚ ÉS HÁBORÚ
              Az ellenállás melankóliája
              Yoram Kupermintz October/ A War Diary
              Anat L. One Soldier
              Benjamin Labatut
              Un verdor terrible
              Nili Landsman His Girl
              Yitzhak Laor Things that are better (not) kept silent
              Haim Lapid The Burrow
              Nadav Lapid Continua bailando
              Shulamit Lapid Bear In Mind
              Dominique Laporte ‏Histoire de la merde, Prologue
              Erik Larson Dead Wake
              In the Garden of Beasts
              The Devil in the White City
              Kale Lasn Culture Jam
              Aviv Lavie & Michal Sharon Brainstorming- 2000 Trivia Questions
              Le Corbusier Vers Une Architecture
              Pierre Lemaitre
              Au revoir là-haut
              Édouard Levé Autoportrait
              Claude Levi Strauss Myth and Meaning: cracking the code of culture
              Bernard-Henri Levy Qui a tué Daniel Pearl?
              Ariel Levi
              Book A
              Gideon Levy The Twilight Zone
              Michael Lewis Boomerang: Travels in the New Third World
              The Big Short
              The Undoing Project: A Friendship That Changed Our Minds
              Liar's Poker
              Kelly Link Stranger Things Happen
              Magic for Beginners
              Get in Troubles
              Nurit Lissovsky, Diana Dolev Arcadia: The Gardens of Lipa Yahalom and Dan Zur
              Adolf Loos INS LEER GESPROCHEN, TROTZDEM
              Corinne Maier Bonjour Paresse
              Hilary Mantel Bring Up the Bodies
              Wolf Hall
              Dacia Mariani Voci
              Javier Marias El Hombre Sentimental
              Corazon Tan Blanco
              Nati Marom City of Concept: Planning tel Aviv
              Philip Martin The Zen Path through Depression
              Maurice Maeterlinck
              La vie des abeilles
              Harry Mathews My Life in CIA
              Elizabeth McCracken The Giants' House
              Marshall Mcluhan Understanding Media
              Yaki Menchenfreund Academy
              The Qonqueror and the Dog
              Oded Menda-Levy
              I Write I Count
              Daniel Monterescu 
              Jaffa Shared and Shattered
              Lorrie Moore Birds Of America
              Susanna Moore In The Cut
              Thomas Moran The World I Made For Her
              Horacio Castellanos Moya INSENSATEZ
              Pnina Motzafi-Haller
              Blonde Hair, Black Roots: Towards a Feminist Anthropology in Israel
              Merav Nakar-Sadi Smadar
              R.K. Narayan The Mahabharata
              Waiting for the Mahatma
              Marie Ndiaye La sorcière
              Rosie Carpe
              Jo Nesbø Rødstrupe
              Lilach Netanel The Hebrew Condition
              Leon Nirnblat First Degree Analysis
              Igal Nizri Eastern Appearence / Mother Tongue: A Present that stirs in the Thickets of its Arab Past
              Viet Thanh Nguyen
              The Sympathizer
              Jeff Noon Vurt
              Valere Novarina Lettre Aux Acteurs
              Sunshine O'Donnell Open Me
              Gideon Ofrat In Arieh Aroch's Library
              Kalanit Wasser Ohayon One Love Only
              Jamie Oliver The Naked Chef
              Ben Paul Melekh, Detective
              Mervyn Peake Titus Groan
              Victor Pelevin Omon Ra
              Generation P
              Esther Pelled In the Clear Light of Reality
              Widely Open Underneath
              The daughters of Those Who Were There
              Georges Perec Quel petit vélo a guidon chromé au fond de la cour?
              Un homme qui dort
              Les Choses
              La Vie mode d'emploi
              Récits d'Ellis Island
              Especes d'espaces
              Penser / Classer
              Georges Perec, Robert Bober
              Récits D'Ellis Island, histoires d'errance et d'espoir
              Yoram Pery Brothers at War: Rabin's assassination aand the cultural war in Israel
              Fernando Pessoa Livro Do Desassossego
              Claude Ponti
              L'album d'Adèle
              Atiq Rahimi Syngué Sabour
              Dina Ralt Feng Shui
              Marcus Rediker The Slave Ship: A Human History
              Jens Rehn Nichts in Sicht
              Gidi Reshef Hasviv-Millennium-prelude
              U NORTH
              Sheri Reynolds The Rapture Of Canaan
              Peter Rice An engineer imagins
              Ben Richards Don’t Step On The Lines
              Efrat Roman-Asher Iroshalem
              Roee Rosen Sweet Sweat
              Sharon Rotbard Avraham Yasky, Concrete Architecture
              White City, Black City
              Neither in Jaffa, Nor in Tel Aviv
              The War of Street and Houses and other texts on the city
              Racheli Rotner The Other Side of the World
              Donatien-Alphonse-Francois de Sade Justine Ou Les Malheures De La Vertu
              Les Crimes de l'amour
              Shuli Sapir
              The Guy
              André Schiffrin The Business of Books
              Asaf Schurr Motti
              Uri Schwartzmann The Witches Village
              Ariel Schweizer Le cinéma Israélien de la modernité
              Rafi Segal, Eyal Weizman
              A Civilian Occupation: the politics of Israeli architecture
              Une occupation civile: la politique de l'architecture israélienne
              Yudit Shahar It's Me Speaking
              William Shakespeare Cymbeline
              Angela Shelf Medearis The Ethnic Vegetarian
              Sam Shepard Tales: Cruising Paradise
              Keren Shvetz
              White Elephants
              Ali Smith The Accidental
              Hotel World
              Robert Sneider Schlafes Bruder
              Yali Sobol Between Apartments
              Dag Solstad Ellevte roman, bok atten
              Emily St. John Mandel Station Eleven
              Sea of Tranquility
              Daniel Stavrou Zion My Love
              Yaakov Steinberg The Rabbi's Daughter
              Robert Louis Stevenson The Suicide Club
              Yosi Sucary Emilia, a confession
              Orna Susak
              Parallel Universes - A Journey to Special Communities in Israel
              Yoram Teharlev Matsa Isha Matsa Tov
              Tarun J. Tejpal The Alchemy of Desire
              Studs Terkel Giants of Jazz
              Ngugi wa Thiong’o Matigari
              Greta Thunberg
              Colm Toibin Mothers and Sons
              The Master
              The Empty Family
              Lev Nikolaiavich Tolstoy The Employer and His Worker
              François Truffault Hitchcock / Truffaut
              Dvir Tzur Regina's Orchard
              Inverted Letters
              Muki Tzur, Sharon Rotbard Neither in Jaffa Nor in Tel Aviv: Stories, Testimonies and Documents from Shapira Neighborhood
              Unknown authors ألف ليلة وليل (Arabian Nights I)
              ألف ليلة وليل (Arabian Nights II)
              Marek Van der Jacht De geschiedenis van mijn kaalheid
              Fred Vargas L'Homme à l'envers
              Pars vite et reviens tard
              Swami Venkatesananda ‏Valmiki's Ramayana
              Robert Venturi, Denise Scott Brown, Steven Izenour Learning From Las Vegas: The Forgotten Symbolism of Architectural Form
              Ben Vered How I Prepared Myself to War
              Summertime Dogs
              Shmulik Versano Man Without Meaning
              Jean-Francois Vilar C'est toujours les autres qui meurent
              Andy Warhol From A to B and Back again: The philosophy of Andy Warhol
              Alan Watts TAO: The Watercourse Way
              Nathan Weinstock Une si longue présence
              Eyal Weizman Hollow Land, Israel 's architecture of occupation
              A Civilian Occupation: the politics of Israeli architecture
              A Civilian Occupation
              The Conflict Shoreline: Colonization as Climate Change in the Negev Desert
              Jeanette Winterson Written On The Body
              The Powerbook
              Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit
              World-Watch Vital Signs 2002
              Vital Signs 2003
              Esther Yogev, Eyal Naveh Histories
              Jane Yolen How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night?
              Yossi Yona, Yehouda Shenhav What is Multiculturalism? On the Politics of Identity in Israel
              Evgueni Zamiatine We
              Esther Zandberg Land City, local essays
              Shimon Zimmer Misery Fit For A Novel
              Howard Zinn A People's History of The united States: 1492 - Present
              Stefan Zweig Amok
              International Poets Festival The 5th International Poets' Festival

              בבל חוגגת שלושים ואתם זוכים בשלושים אחוז הנחה! ולא צריך לעשות כלום - ההנחה היא אוטומטית.

              לחשוב / למיין-ז'ורז' פרק-